Website Technical Analysis

Technical website audit

Simple, easily resolvable, technical issues can often cause web site ranking failure. The first step in analysis is always a website analysis . This check covers over 100 individual technical checks covering all aspects of the site structure and performance.

Broken links, missing images and other external audit technical issues that may cause problems are revealed. The website speed is analysed and the overall server performance given a test. The end result? A simple easy to follow report showing you what technical issues can be addressed within the site.

Enhance your website to generate more traffic, leads and sales. Determine what's keeping your website from appearing on most search engines. Get the necessary recommendations from our platform on what links (broken), images (missing) and 100 other checks need to be fixed. Report highlights exactly what pages need to change so the scanning of your website in search engines is improved.

See Issues at a Glance

Technical audit to reveal website issues. Improve your search engine marketing. Search Engine Optimisation is often called SEO.

Review what needs attention and where to focus your efforts

Drill down the Technical audit to reveal more details on website issues. Improve your search engine marketing. Search Engine Optimisation is often called SEO.

Drill down for more details on all issues


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What a difference it made having someone who can explain and educate while providing a superior service

Google Ranking search engine SEO work for Keith Logan - Sydney Harbour Boating completed by Self Service SEO
Keith Logan - Sydney Harbour Boating